About Douglas Reeves

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A longtime education executive with considerable experience in the United States, Douglas Reeves is a partner with Creative Leadership Solutions. As an organizational leader with the group, he works closely with clients across the United States to develop creative accountability systems and introduce effective professional development programs. Douglas Reeves stresses the importance of measureable impact on all individuals involved in a school system, including students, teachers, and administrators.

In his capacity with Creative Leadership Solutions, Douglas Reeves regularly supports the implementation of scoring guides for prominent technology and instructional initiatives. He also reviews pertinent data and compiles detailed reports, which administrators and policymakers can use to guide the decision-making process. In terms of creative leadership coaching, Douglas Reeves offers 30- to 45-minute biweekly check-in meetings during which leaders can discuss their personal and professional goals with a coach. Other services available at Creative Leadership Solutions include monthly webinars, unlimited consulting, leadership and faculty book studies, technology support, performance assessment reviews, and learning exhibitions.

Aside from his work with Creative Leadership Solutions, Douglas Reeves is the founder of the nonprofit organization Finish the Dissertation, which helps doctoral students complete their dissertations. In order to help doctoral students finish their dissertations in a timely manner, qualified volunteers deliver one-on-one support via personal conferences, phone, or Skype. Over the years, he has worked with students from the United States, Africa, Central America, and Europe.

Douglas Reeves received his PhD in education from the University of Wyoming and his MA from the University of Southern California.

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